You are the cyan SOUL! You are patient, but seem to indulge in other's pain. But, on the bright side, you are a very good listener. In fact, you don't talk that much. You're usually silent in class, and you have a wide variety of friends. Who will you be? Undyne, Muffet, Temmie, Chara, Sans, Betty, Papyrus, Flowey, Mettaton, Toriel, King Asgore, Napstablook, Annoying dog, Asriel Dreemurr, W.D.Gaster. Which UNDERTALE character are you? By Temmie What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network.
Personality tests -» Are you this Star / Figure? -» Game characters -» Undertale
10 Questions - Developed by: Hayden - Updated on: - Developed on: - 44,906 taken - 84 people like it
Which Undertale Soul Are You Quiz
If you saw the word 'Undertale' and clicked, you must be a big fan of the show, like me! If the answer is yes, you probably strongly identify with one of the characters. See if you're the character you like most, or get a surprise! Try this test now and find out which Undertale character you're most like!
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